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* Address management: * *Post Validate Address*: Checks if each given address is valid. Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Check API functionality: * * Update as_list *. *More detailed: * This method is used to ADD/DELETE an as_list for a determinated client_as. Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Allows you to generate price quotes for a given products (MPLS VPN, INTERNET ACCESS, ETHERNET). Up to 6 quotationItems are supported in one auto quotation request. * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Check API functionality: - ** POST Create**: create a change request. - ** PUT Update**: update a change request. - ** POST Workinfo**: create a change request with workinfo. - ** POST Attach**: create a change request with attach. Postman collections Example Requests ***`[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]`*** [![Run…
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Check API functionality: * * [IS000] Get Health*: consult the health of integration. *More detailed: * The healthcheck endpoint provides detailed information about the health of a BMC platform (BAO+RoD). If each of the components required by the service are healthy, then the service is considered healthy and will return a 200 OK…
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Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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MEF-LSO Sonata Geographic address API allows to * retrieve a geographic address in seller database from an adress id for a buyer * validate geographic address data. Buyer will trigger an address validation request to get a valid address description and id from seller Geographic Address API has been designed by MEF Sonata team and used TMF 673 as…
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This API allows to retrieve a list of Geographic site and to get all information for one geographic site. A geographic site is a fixed physical location at which a Product can be installed. Its location can be described either with geocodes (Lat/Long information) or by association with an Address or Address Reference. Geographic Site API has been…
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* Send a notification to a client: * *PUT notification*: Sending a notification to a client with a PUT method. * *POST notification*: Sending a notification to a client with a POST method. Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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* Retrieve numbering information: * *Get Stock*: retrieves all available numbers for the input parameters. * *Get Inventory*: retrieves number information for the input parameters. * *Post Detailinformation*: updates number information. * *Put Detailinformation*: removes number information. * *Get Prices*: retrieves prices for a…
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MEF-LSO SonataProductOfferingQualification API allows to determine whether it is feasible for the Seller to deliver a particular Product to a particular geographic location. Following operations are managed: * Register for POQ Notifications * Create Product Offering Qualification * Retrieve POQ List * Retrieve POQ by Identifier (note: POQ…
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* Retrieve numbering information: * *Get Checker*: verify if a number is portable.. * *Post Portinorder*: Create a Product Order that includes Portability. * *Post PortinorderDoc*: Upload documentation to a portability order. * *Post Upload document*: Upload documentation to a portability order (multipart/form-data). * *Post Add…
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Provides information about the offers and products available to the customer * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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*Product Order Management* The scope of this API introduces the following capabilities to the API: • Install order: request for new product • Change Order: change an existing Product • Disconnect Order: disconnect an existing Product • Support for Order Notifications The buyer could also retrieve a single, or set, of Product Orders based upon a…
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This is not the ProductOrder API but the API to manage notification for ProductOrder. This API must be deployed on notification subscriber side (buyer side / listener). Postman collection Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Retrieve product order informations: * *Get Product Orders*: retrieve the list of customer’s existing product orders. * *Get Product Order Details*: retrieve the details of the product order. * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Allows you to generate a price quote for a given product. * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Retrieve customer account informations: * *Get Child Customer Accounts*: retrieve the list of child accounts under any given customer account. * *Get Customer Locations*: retrieve the list of locations under the customer account. * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application…
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Retrieve product instances information: * *Get Product Instances*: retrieve customer top product instances with basic information to show on the Portal. * *Get Product Instance Details*: retrieve Product details and Second Level product instances with its components for user information purposes and to order BoD (Bandwidth of Demand) if possible…
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Retrieve offerings information: * *Get Available Offerings*: retrieve the list of offerings from the Full Stack Product Offering Catalog. * *Get Offering Details*: retrieve the details of given product offering. * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this…
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Retrieve product order informations: * *Get Product Orders*: retrieve the list of customer’s existing product orders. * *Get Product Order Details*: retrieve the details of the product order. * *Get SF Orders*: retrieve orders for a particular customer from SF. * Default Timeout [380 seconds]* Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close…
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Retrieve sales order informations: * *Validate New Sales Order*: Used to validate the New sales order for given customer account * *Validate Modify Sales Order*: Used to validate the Modify sales order for given customer account * *Calculate Price for New Sales Order*: Used to calculate prices for a New sales order * *Calculate Price for…
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Retrieve asset informations: * * [IS004] Get CI*: retrieve a company CI (Configuration Items) *More detailed: * This API is used to perform a search of RoD sites. It will search for records on the table AST: BaseElement filtering by company implicitly and by other parameters defined as input parameters To use the like on the fields,…
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The objective of these APIs is to return information of the product categories and operational categories (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) that are related to a company in the Remedy system. The company can be referred to both by name and by its identifier in the FAST system. In addition to the company, more filters can be applied through the query…
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Retrieve Contact and Site informations: * * [IS002] Get contacts*: retrieve the contacts of a Company knowing basic information about it (email, family name, etc) *More detailed: * This API is used to search for contacts in RoD. It will search for records on the table CTM:People filtering by company implicitly and by other parameters defined as…
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Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Helix incident management APIs empower users to efficiently create and modify incidents within the Helix platform, streamlining workflow processes for incident resolution and management. Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Tickets Management : * *[IS006] Ticket status change*: update ticket status. *More detailed: * This API is used to perform only the status update of a RoD ticket.The resolution categories are mandatory if the ticket status change to Resolved * *[IS007] Update Ticket*: update ticket. *More detailed: * This API is used to…
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This API provides provides the incident management functionality to Tata Communications Customers. Customers can use this API to create new incidents, update existing incidents and read existing incidents.
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Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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Postman collections Example Requests */[Important close your POSTMAN application before accessing this button]/*
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